Published Jan 21, 2022
By Qredo Team

On the Frontlines – An Interview With the #QredoArmy

You may have seen them on your Twitter timeline, commenting, sharing, and creating #Qredocontent…

They are a force to be reckoned with. They are the #QredoArmy! 

But what's the story behind the #QredoArmy and the amazing Qredonians that report for battle in the Twitter trenches? We reached out to @qrdonews to get the lowdown.  

Q: How long have you been a Qredonian? 

I’ve been a Qredonian for about four months, I have some other crypto but to be honest I’m pretty much all in on Qredo. Call it love at first sight.  

Q: What sparked your interest in Crypto?

In 2017, I became familiar with crypto. Around then it was just a gold rush, you would throw in some money and it would 5x in no time. After the rush settled and a bear market followed, I stuck around and started to do more research on the possibilities of crypto, and couldn’t find another conclusion than “crypto is here to stay, this is going places.” 

Q: What inspired you to start the #QredoArmy?

A couple of months ago I was invited to join various Qredo Telegram groups. I joined a couple of different groups including the Qredo Trading and Community Room created by Guy Polio. The group started small and has been growing rapidly these last few months. In the group, Guy was saying we needed a hashtag for Qredo on Twitter and other social media channels. So I dropped #QredoArmy and the group liked it and we started using that from then on. At the moment, it’s the community hashtag and you see us everywhere :-)

Q: What aspect of Qredo do you find most compelling? 

Besides the fact that I’m loving the team and community vibe, I think the idea that all chains, DeFi, and TradFi in one ecosystem is really good — the possibilities are endless. Qredo is looking for collaboration – not competition –  and that’s what is going to make a big difference in the crypto space. Also, the custody solution for institutions is one of a kind and there is a big need for that. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it; Qredo is going to play a big role in the world of crypto. 

Learn more about Qredo – its mission, features, and team here

Q: Any members of the #QredoArmy who go above and beyond, and that you’d like to shout out? 

Well, some people are really on fire — I can’t deny that! To name a few, a big shout-out to Guy Polio, Terranaut, Bassman, Fynn, PlatypusTrades, CryptoGandalfs, and QredoPerry. Also, the blokes from England are class… King Spallan and his sidekick General ;-).

Keep on carrying the fire people!

Q: Where are Qredonians coming from? 

Like I said, Qredo is looking for collaboration, not competition. More and more we see people entering the Qredo community from different communities which is cool to see. We bring people from different communities together, just like the network brings different chains together.

Q: What's been your favorite #QredoContent?

On Telegram, you see a lot of stickers and gifs, some are good and funny. Besides that, it’s also nice to see the community employ all sorts of different activities online… videos, NFTs, presentations, and Qredo contests. I hear there are even rumors that there is going to be a big party somewhere when we grow a bit more as a community and network. Well, I’m totally in :-)

Q: How can others get involved and join the #QredoArmy? 

We are growing stronger day by day… to name a few things:

- Join the Telegram group
- Follow the different Twitter accounts of influencers from the community
- Do your part: Make, create, initiate, share, drop bombs on people and get them to know Qredo and the Qredo community

We have a good community, we help each other, we solve problems, we think about how to enlarge our reach, and we just laugh a lot (and sometimes cry a little on bad days ;-)). 

Q: What would you like to see more of from Qredo Network and the Qredo community? 

Nothing in particular, but I am looking forward to this year's growth from Qredo Network as well as the Qredo community. We are well organized and we are enjoying ourselves so I think our community will grow even more this year. The more the merrier, come and join us!

Q: Are there any events, podcasts, panels, etc that you would like to see Qredo team members attend? 

I like the AMAs with all the different people and influencers from the crypto space. Just talking about crypto, talking about the possibilities of the Qredo Network, and just having a good time. Keep that going, I would say. And maybe it’s nice to get together with some investors in an event or podcast to talk more about the collaborations and how the future looks when Qredo is applied to their ecosystems. When you see what solutions Qredo brings to these players, you start to understand how big this is. 

Q: What are you most excited to see happen in 2022? 

To be honest, I can’t choose — there are a lot of things planned for 2022 as far as I know. The Qredo team is delivering, so who knows what they have in store for the community and the crypto world. I do think that when big parties like MetaMask Institutional, Coinbase, and institutions, etc are showing their use cases, the world will see the power of Qredo Network in its full form. I’m looking forward to that. 

Q: Last one: What do you get up to in your spare time? What other hobbies and interests do you have aside from crypto and Qredo!

Well, the community and the @qrdonews Twitter takes up a lot of time but besides that, I love spending time with my wife and daughter and going to the beach. I also like to read, watch movies, hang out with friends, travel, walk and do some boxing …. and of course work (I have my own web agency). So many things to do, so little time! 

Thanks for the interview people and keep up the good work!

Thank you @qrdonews and everyone in the #QredoArmy who is fighting the good fight and spreading the word on Qredo. We appreciate all the hard work you put in and want to assure you how appreciative we are of the amazing community supporting us. 

The Qredo community is the backbone of the network and nothing goes unnoticed. Moving forward we will be sharing more on the Qredorians and all they do for the community!

Want to get more involved? Learn more about the role Qredonians can play.

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